Monday, December 26, 2011

Cara Hidup Sihat

Nowadays, a lot people go over weight?
why? cause we are Malaysian! stay in Malaysia, we hardly can resist good food! 
how can u resist from nasi lemak in from of ur office eveyday?
the! is a killer! and, what best together with Nasi Lemak? of cause is Teh tarik ! high five!! wow!

but, do u know that? just the nasi lemak and the Teh Tarik can cause us leading to Obesity? it contain too much of fat and sugar! is a killer food! well, I think... most of us know that, yet we can't resist them! cause they are soo delicious! right???

well well.... so take care of our body and keep our body health is our own responsibility..after all is your own body! and taking this food all the time.... lead us to Obesity range and what can Obesity can cause us? 
Let me tell u, believe it or not, is a serious matter! 
it lead us to diabetes, hypertension, heart problem earlier! and just with hypertension, u have to start medication  as doctor prescribed and is long term follow with ur doctor management....
well... u can choose ignore all of these disease, and keep on with the same old life style... and it lead to stroke, heart attack, and the diabetic wound gone worst! believe me , is not that easy as u think it is...
I know, talk is easy.. cause I am also a food lover! and I like to eat!!!!
and... dunno since when I become lazy... and I eat lot high fat food and non healthy food!
I know! that all delicious food that we love!!!!
nasi lemak, teh tarik, ice-cream, starbuck, chocolate, carl's junior, bla bla bla.....
and look the result!
is time to keep fit!
I know I been talking this like ages, and I haven got any action beside eat!!! 

I am soooo dead!
well...the simple step to follow~
food pyramid? seriously..... erm..... hmmmm.......
I study this pyramid since primary...seriously...I don't really follow..
remember? I am Malaysian, and food are every where, and is all unhealthy food!
tell me how to follow??argh!! torturing!!
I know that what most of the people been thinking... right??? same as me.....
but... for my own health.....
Just have to control lo... follow the serving , have more vege and fruit...
reduce salty food, reduce oily food.....reduce sweet stuff...
by having them... once in a blue moon should be ok....( I won't totally bend the nice food... just change to once in a blue moon,cause, I still love them! )

well... plus... 
Have to start exercise! what?? oH NOOOOOO~
know what my favorite? Bedminton! 
is Bed-minton! hahaha... lay flat in bed! awww... my comfortable bed!
but not badminton! 
but.... seems like.. I have to start working out now~ good bye my sweet lil bed.....wont spend soo much time in bed anymore....bubye~

there is lot activity... such like kick boxing, football, basketball... and bla bla bla... i know everyone know that! so... start moving ur butt from bed and chair and start stand up and move ur body!!!!
move it move it!

well, please get more information from here.. this website :

You are what you eat.By cutting down on sugar and salt intake it can help maintain a #healthy body!

remember this! You are what u eat!
so please... dun turn into a coach potato!


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